My Bathroom Picture Experiment

Hey readers, the few of you that are out there,

Here is my take on bathroom pictures. Again, this is not a shot at anyone. I am just giving my opinion in hopefully a funny or entertaining way. So, without further adue, here you go.

Today I was home alone and walked passed my bathroom mirror and thought, “I wonder why people like to take pictures in these things?” I had seen so many people lately post pictures of themselves in the bathroom on social networks, and I had become pretty curious of why. The only logical way to figure out the appeal was to try it for myself. So, I pulled out my phone and took the four typical bathroom photos. They are posted on here to the left for your enjoyment. First of all, I learned that I am no good at taking these pictures. If you have ever been around me for a while you know that my hands shake all the time. They can get pretty bad sometimes. So, it was almost impossible to keep the pictures from being blurry. It started to become an inconvenience. I could not possibly do this everyday without going ballistic at how blurry all of my pictures turn out. Kuddos to all you people who have the patience to take the best mirror picture, if that is even possible. Second, I learned that the pictures are kind of awkward. You are letting everyone see into your personal bathroom. I do not know about you, but I would prefer to keep the place where I excrete waste and clean myself private. I tried to cut out as much of my bathroom in the pictures as possible. But no matter what I do, you can still see some of it. Good for you if you don’t mind showing everyone your entire bathroom everyday, but that is just not for me. Now I know some of you are thinking, “They are not always in personal bathrooms, sometimes they are in public restrooms.” To this I say, that is almost worse! Do you know how many people use those. When I use one, I want to get in then out as quickly as possible, not waste my time taking a picture. They can get pretty disgusting, but if you can stand to be in them for long periods of time, more power to you. But I do not understand why you take a picture in a bathroom to show everyone where you are or what outfit you are wearing in the first place. Couldn’t you do that in front of the building or in the actual part of the building you are interested in being in. I just do not get it. I guess it is just one of life’s many, but irrelevant mysteries. And finally, I realized that I just do not enjoy taking pictures of myself. I see no reason to. Many people say they are having a good hair day or that they have new clothes and they are showing everyone. Well, I wouldn’t understand the good hair day thing, because everyday for me is a good hair day. And on the new clothes issue, when I get new clothes I just wear them out into public to let people see them. I don’t see a need to get dressed up in them for no reason and take a picture only to change back into the clothes I was wearing. Of course, I am a guy, and as a guy I do not care that much about showing everyone my new clothes. I also do not get why people will take these pictures, post them, then say, “Looking like poo.” If you really think that you look like poo, then why do you want to show everyone? If I don’t feel well and am not looking my best all I want to do is lay in bed and not see anyone or let anyone see me. But for all of you who have the confidence and desire to take pictures of yourself for whatever reason, go ahead and do it. I have no problem with it, I am just not going to do it myself. After the experiment, I came to the conclusion that bathroom pictures are not for me. I just do not get the appeal of them. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with other people posting them. I think that if they want to they should be able to, but do not expect to see anymore from me.

Now here is the usual conclusion for you blog skippers. I thought it would be a good idea to test out bathroom pictures, so I tried taking them. I am no good at them and I do not really get them. The picture to the right captures my feelings towards them perfectly. I think that you are in the bathroom to do one of four things, you can figure out what those things are yourself, so you should get your business done then get out. I am not dogging anyone who likes these pictures. I am just saying that I do not get the appeal of taking them. Maybe one day I will have someone explain them to me, but for now I am just going to stay in my little world of bathroom picture ignorance. To those of you who agree with me, thanks for understanding, us bathroom picture questioners need to stick together. To those of you who like taking bathroom pictures, keep up the good work and good luck, I wish I was as talented and had as much patience as you while taking these pictures.

From The Life of Hayden

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